Puppy Power!

Bailey is a friendly, mellow, black pit bull who is great with kids and other dogs. She was owned by a series of apartment dwellers who didn’t have time to make sure she got enough exercise. We have a large fenced property, so adopted her as a companion to our emotionally needy male dog, and before we could get her fixed, found we were expecting a litter.

It’s been many years since I’ve helped raise pups, but this is the best bunch of young dogs I’ve ever known. Every one of them has such personality. And watching a “pack” form (albeit temporarily), I’ve learned a lot, not just about dogs but about life. Here are some lessons I’ve observed in the last seven weeks:

  1. If you think you are the best, the others will tire of you quickly.
  2. If you bite too hard, you will be unpopular.
  3. The quiet guy is usually the smartest.
  4. Biggest does NOT mean bravest.
  5. When you stop needing stuff from Mom, you guys can become real friends.
  6. Enjoy every sunny day, every meal and every moment with your family.
  7. It’s hard to say goodbye to your kids, even when you know they’ll be fine.

Dogs are amazing – so much more than just animals. Our companions for thousands of years, they understand us in ways that other species could never comprehend. Sometimes I’m convinced that dogs joined our lives for the cheese and warm fires. Other times, I think we’ve always been like this – partners, friends, allies with a special connection. Having “pets” is a pretty hot-button issue. I don’t want to go into the politics of it. But I do know, every dog I’ve known has taught me about life. Every one I’ve lost has left a mark on my heart that helped make me who I am today. It may not be possible to treat them as people – but anyone who thinks animals operate on instinct alone have never really known one. LOVE is as universal as it gets. Most, if not all moms feel it, regardless of species. Friendship, fun, security, emotional comforting – animals need it, too. And sometimes, we crazy, messed-up, over-cerebral humans are able to enjoy that with an animal, one of the “alien races” of our very own planet. That’s pretty special.

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